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Club Meetings & Activities

All Sequim Prairie Garden Club (SPGC) meetings are held in the Pioneer Memorial Park Clubhouse at 387 East Washington Street in Sequim. The schedules for General Membership Meetings, Board Meetings and other related events are listed below. General Membership meetings are held on the first Monday of the month or the following Monday if the first Monday falls on/near a holiday. Social time is 10:00 – 10:30 am, Educational Presentations are from 10:30 – 11:30 am. Business meetings are held four times/year (September, January, March & May). Lunch is provided by the Meeting Hosts and starts at 11:45 am. See the Yearbook for the Meeting Host Schedule and their complete responsibilities.

Gardening in the Park

Taking care of Pioneer Memorial Park is the primary responsibility of SPGC. Gardening in the Park with Club Members is held every Thursday. The Park Co-Directors are always present starting at 9:30 am to offer guidance, direction and education. Come and join the fun.

SPGC General Membership Meeting Schedule
& Other Related Activities


September 9, 2024
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Helping Birds Out in Your Backyard
Presented by: Christie Lassen from Wild Birds Unlimited
11:45 am – Lunch, Business Meeting

Christie and her husband Marc have owned Wild Birds Unlimited in Gardiner for the last 22 years. She has always been bird-oriented and feels that the secret to happiness is figuring out how to do the thing you love. So, Christie wakes up pretty much happy every day and gets to help people enjoy the birds and nature in their backyards. Christie and Marc will talk about the 4 elements of creating a backyard wildlife habitat, products to help you do that, year-round hummingbirds, and prepping for winter feeding.

October 7, 2024
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Growing Mushrooms
Presented by: Bob Blackett
11:45 am – Lunch followed by garden discussion and demonstrations

Mr. Blackett and his wife moved to Sequim about 5 years ago and became Clallam County master gardeners. His background includes 3 college degrees in science, two years teaching chemistry in Africa with the U.S. Peace Corps, and 32 years working in crime laboratories, mostly as a DNA analyst. In addition to caring for the succulent garden at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden, Mr. Blackett started an outdoor mushroom garden in fall, 2021.

November 4, 2024
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Oak Restoration on the Sequim Prairie
Presented by: Robert Steelquist
11:45 am – Lunch followed by garden discussion and demonstrations

Robert (Bob) Steelquist began his fascination with Sequim’s native Garry Oaks in 1980, publishing a short essay in a local newsletter. That essay was his first as a writer and the first of many articles and, ultimately, 13 books on Pacific Northwest natural history. He’s worked for the National Park Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA’s Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and volunteered on many projects and nonprofit boards. He holds a Master of Environmental Studies degree from The Evergreen State College.

November 29, 2024
Friday – 2:00 pm: Decorate SPGC Clubhouse and Christmas Tree

December 2, 2024
SPGC Holiday Potluck & Party

10:00 am – Garden Club Gift Exchange
**(Please note that gift exchange begins at 10:00 am)
Bring a wrapped present for the gift exchange ($15 - $20 suggested)

11:30 am – Potluck
Sliced ham will be provided by the Club. Members bring salads, side dishes or desserts. Remember to bring new, unwrapped toys or children’s clothing for the Sequim Community Aid annual drive.

December 7, 2024
Holiday Tea at the Park
Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Join us to celebrate the holidays at Pioneer Memorial Park with tea, coffee and sweets. Admission is by donation. Holiday baked goods will also be available to purchase.

December 30, 2024
Monday – 10:00 am: Take down holiday decorations


January 6, 2025
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: “Bonsai” — Styling a Shimpaku Juniper
Presented by: Ron Quigley, Dungeness Bonsai Society, Sequim
11:45 am – Lunch & Business Meeting

Ron has been interested and involved with the art of Bonsai since 1970 and has been the Past President of the Sequim Bonsai Club for 6 years. He will demonstrate this unique gardening style with one of his prized junipers.

February 3, 2025
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Hosting Orchard Mason Bees in the Backyard
Presented by: Carrie Morlang, Knox Cellars Orchard Mason Bees
11:45 am – Lunch followed by garden discussion and demonstrations

Carrie Morlang is the proprietor of Knox Cellars Orchard Mason Bees. Carrie has been hosting Orchard Mason Bees for over a decade. She is a lifelong avid pesticide free organic flower, fruit and vegetable gardener. She attends yearly Orchard Mason Bee continuing education to stay up to date on the latest research from entomologists to help provide the best environment for our beloved Orchard Mason Bees

March 3, 2025
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Springing into Spring
Presented by: Andrew May
11:45 am – Lunch & Business Meeting

Andrew May is one of our favorite garden experts and guest speakers. Since Andrew knows everything about gardening, we will let him choose the topic for this month’s presentation. No matter what it is, he will keep us spellbound with plenty of great information to take home.

March 7 - 8, 2024
Friday – Saturday, City of Sequim Sunshine Festival

April 7, 2025
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Garden Art with Cement
Presented by: Connie Tallman, Sequim Prairie Garden Club
11:45 am – Lunch followed by garden discussion and demonstrations

Connie has been crafting garden art most of her life, but in recent years has had more time to devote to her passion of creativity. Connie will be demonstrating how to make hypertufa pots, cement pots, and many more garden art items that can be created with just a bit of cement and a lot of imagination.

April 21 – 25, 2025
Monday – Friday, Set up for SPGC Plant & Garden Sale

April 26, 2025
Saturday – SPGC Plant & Garden Sale

May 2 – 10, 2025
Sequim Irrigation Festival

May 5, 2025 10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Program: Trees in Pioneer Memorial Park
Presented by Kathy Steichen, Sequim Prairie Garden Club
11:45 am – Lunch & Business Meeting, (Election of Officers)

Kathy Steichen began her love of trees as a child climbing a very large silver maple tree in her front yard in Seattle. This love affair led to a Bachelors degree from the University of Washington College of Forest Resources and a 34-year career with the National Park Service. She was fortunate to work in some of America’s most treasured parklands, including Denali, Mount Rainier, Olympic, Wind Cave and Yellowstone National Parks.

June 2, 2025
10:00 am – Coffee
10:30 am – Installation of New Officers
11:00 am – Luncheon

Today we all get together for a wonderful lunch and thank our new officers for stepping up and infusing Sequim Prairie Garden Club with their new ideas and talents.

July 2025
There is no SPGC member meeting in July.

August 4, 2025
Sequim Prairie Garden Club Annual Picnic
Club Members & Invited Guests
11:00 am – Potluck

SPGC Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

Board Meetings are held monthly on the third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm.


  • September 18, Wednesday

  • October 16, Wednesday

  • November 20, Wednesday

  • December 18, Wednesday


  • January 15, Wednesday

  • February 19, Wednesday

  • March 19, Wednesday

  • April 16, Wednesday

  • May 21, Wednesday

  • June 18, Wednesday

  • July 16, Wednesday

  • August 20, Wednesday