Membership Application
Sequim Prairie Garden Club (SPGC) welcomes you as a new member. SPGC is a service organization, organized in 1948, whose
primary mission is to maintain, improve and beautify the grounds, the clubhouse and the many historical items in Pioneer
Memorial Park (PMP). We are a charitable and educational organization, 501(c)3, that provides speakers at our monthly
We meet at the clubhouse on the first Monday of the month or the following Monday if the 1st Monday falls on/near a holiday.
We do not meet in July. We start at 10:00 am for a meet & greet. From 10:30 to 11:30 am, guest speakers present on a
wide range of topics that interest and educate our members. We have a short break and our hosts serve refreshments.
Business meetings are held four times/year; September, January, March & May. On other months, members are encouraged to
“garden share” on what works and what doesn’t in their personal gardens.
Monday and Thursdays are “Gardening Days” in the Park. Thursday is the day we work on larger projects and are at PMP for
longer hours. You are welcome to work on other days if they fit with your personal schedule. We have an “Adopt-a Bed”
program for members who want to work in a specific bed.
We have fun, work hard, forge friendships and provide our community and visitors an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful oasis in the heart of Sequim.