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SPGC Garden Tour
Member Dianne McIntosh’s Garden
July 7, 2023
At the home of David and DiAnne McIntosh, summertime is a time of different plants in bloom. Their main focus was on the different varieties of trees that grow in a mostly shaded area with eight fir trees in front along with cedar. Along the fence line Dianne & David have intermixed vine maple with ocean spray trees. Scattered throughout the properties are ginkgo, rose of sharon, liquid amber, forsythia, thornless hawthorn, weeping pussy willow, wisteria, ironwood, dappled willow, magnolia, witch hazel, Japanese snowball and white/European Birch. Some may have escaped mention, but you get the idea. Many visitors admired the English Ivy going up the large leaf Maple tree. The pyracantha bush is always a winner with flowers and berries for the birds. Another bush for long lasting interest is the Japanese skimmia. The southside corner is an excellent place for a variety of roses. Dianne & David have different varieties of hydrangeas; oak leaf, climbing, mophead, cap and penniculiar. They are always wanting to try new and interesting plants, shrubs and flowers. They like to go with nature whenever possible.